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Easter Week-Join me for the Journey

Several years ago, I felt myself getting caught up in the hustle and bustle of the Easter Season…in church service planning, egg hunts, family plans, Easter dresses, and ham(can’t forget the ham). One morning as I was making a mad dash to Target for a few more dollar spot items for the kids baskets, I heard that still, small voice beckoning me to something more. The Holy Spirit invited me to slow down the activity and join Him for a journey through the Easter story. Over the days that followed, He guided me through scripture to show me the steps my Savior took to guarantee my salvation. Every year since, He has invited me to take the journey through the Easter story again. Each time, the intimacy in my relationship with Jesus deepens as my understanding of how MUCH He loves me grows.

This week as I began to prepare my heart for the journey to the cross and beyond the grave, God reminded me that trips are always better with friends. With that in mind, I would love to invite you to join me each day this week as we dive into scripture and follow Jesus's steps to the cross. Steps that he took for you and for me because of His great love. Steps that He took to show us a better way to live and love. Steps that He took to secure our eternity in Heaven. My prayer is that you will encounter His love in a fresh and transforming way. It is my hope that you will commune with Him in gratitude over the precious gift His death delivered.

The journey starts tomorrow, Palm Sunday, in John 12 as Jesus is celebrated as King in Jerusalem. See you there!


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